My List of 30 Life Hacks
I recently Turned 30. And I wanna share 30 Life Hacks I’ve learned along the way. 👇 1. If you wanna get good at something
I recently Turned 30. And I wanna share 30 Life Hacks I’ve learned along the way. 👇 1. If you wanna get good at something
1. How I Organize my Life/Work Whenever I’m feeling lost or disoriented in life (and I often do) trying to choose which path to take
1. The Artist Routine The Word Routine comes from the French word ‘Route’, which translates to ‘Road’ or ‘the way’ Routine is the way of
How do you fit drawing with a busy lifestyle? and a tightly packed schedule? 😵💫 Whether you are a student, or a parent or someone
Are you a CBCC Artist? 🤔 “What the hell is That?” CBCC Artists Copy But can’t Create. These are artists who copy really well from
Hey, If there’s one major benefit of drawing, it’s this. It Reduces Stress. 🧠 And it also: • Boosts Creativity • Increases your problem solving skills.
1. The 2 Simple Productivity “Hacks” If I had to pick the 2 Most “bang for buck” hacks to stay a ‘Productive Artist’ (aka getting
Here’s a 3 Step Solution to cure ‘creative burnout’ 1. Simple Solution for Burnout? The Solution for burnout is very simple (and most make it
That Changes Lives. 1. The Ultimate Productivity Routine for Artists What would it look like if you want to get quality art projects done? 🤔
Sounds Simple. But Its not. How do you become Consistent with your Art Practice and Improve bit by bit? 1. What is ‘Consistency’ & Why
I wish I knew when I was 20. 1. 30 Life Hacks I came across this post a while ago which I found to be
A Better System of Goal Setting? 1. 90 Day Goals for Art We all start the Year with big dreams and goals. But 6 months
Success lies in doing the little things well. 1. “Basics” are not Basic The more I learn, the more I realize there’s an inherent power
1. Do This for 1000 Nights Here’s a little piece of advice on Writing from Ray Bradbury on getting better at your craft (which can
Here’s how 👇 1. You Need 10 Days I used to think I need a lot of time to change things. But apparently, 10 Days
A Challenge to Act on your Dreams. 1. Don’t Let your Dreams Die We all have Dreams that we haven’t acted on. Dreams of making
1. Talkers Block “Writers Block is a myth” Says Seth Godin, the multiple best-selling author of 19+ books and a seasoned entrepreneur. When people come
Lessons from 10+ Years of Making “Content” 1. 10 Lessons, 10 Years Here’s are some things I’ve learned from 10+ years as a content creator.
I’ve wasted a year of my life doing nothing (from early 2022 – early 2023). So here’s my 1. Guide to Wasting your Life 1.
1. Cartooning Expressions Last week, I drew a lot of Cartoon Expressions. And these were drawn with a simple method I came up with called
The challenge that changed my Life. 1. 100 Days of Sketching This is what my art used to look like. 👇 This is how it
So that you can Build a Cult around your work. 1. How I Built my ‘Personal Brand’? How did I build my 🎥 570k subscriber
The Thing you want might take 10 Years. Don’t Overthink. Start Now. 1. The 10 Year Rule All the (Meaningful) things I’ve ever gotten have
Here’s an Idea that could help creators 👇 1. Be a Consumer before you are a Creator “Nobody likes my Art” “Nobody Sees it” “How
1. Cartooning Faces Cartooning faces is my “comfort drawing exercise”.😌 The more I do it, the better I feel and the more I discover what
What do you do when you are lost in Life? Or can’t solve a specific problem when you don’t know how to solve it. 1.
1. Perfectionist vs Procrastinator Most people label themselves as Perfectionists, when in reality, they are just Procrastinators. The common (Local) definition of a Perfectionist is:
1. Commercial ART vs Personal ART What’s the difference between both. 🤔 I heard the following definition in a podcast and it was interesting. Commercial
1. The Keys to a Good Life I’ve always wanted the “answers”. I wanted to have things “Figured out”. But I couldn’t. 😑 I soon
What’s a SIMPLE way to Build Confidence? In art and in life? 1. What is Confidence? I think I’m pretty confident when I sit down
1. Good Things take Time So Stick with it. The Difference between these two drawings is a year.. 1 Year Before 1 Year Later (Now)
1. You don’t “NEED” Talent to Draw? This is a common belief that people hold. (And that I held for many years) “I need to
1. I took my own Advice. I was finding it hard to find the time/motivation to draw lately. I was in a bit of funk.
1. How to think about your life. DJ Patil, a former US Chief Data Scientist used to have these four lines written in a card.
1. The Yearly Review Before we even set goals, it’s important to review the past. “Those who fail to study history are often doomed to
The new year is in the horizon and the next couple of newsletters are all gonna be about my thoughts on how to WIN 2024.
1. What I’ve learned in 2023? Here are some of the lessons I’ve learned in 2023. 1. Have 3 clear goals that are ambitious and
1. My Manga/Comic Pages I’ve been working on my Manga/comic for the past week and here are some pages from it.. I’m putting all my
1. Make YOUR Art. Don’t Pander Make the kind of ART you want to make. ✏️ And it will attract a certain kind of people.
1. Make Art for Yourself Make Art for Yourself. Never care about what others might “think” about it. Don’t listen to the words of others
1. Stop Being Busy? One of the things I try to do when things are not going my way is to “Fill up my calendar”
1. How I Study Art? I have a simple and a straightforward process. A. Define exactly what I want to get good at? 📝 Ex
1. My Manga Pages Here are some completed pages from the short 20pg Manga I’m working on. 👇 And… Here’s how a page gets made
1. Learn to Draw Forms Learn to draw forms well. They are the building blocks of a character. 🧱 If you Learn how to draw
1. Irrational Beliefs about what’s possible. I’ve been reading the works of Albert Ellis, a psychologist and the founder of REBT, a behavioural therapy which
1. The Most Important Podcast I’ve ever made. I’ve always suffered from “Optionality Paralysis” – aka having too many options and not being able to
1. Making your First Comic I’ve shared a post outlining 5 Quick Tips for making your first comic. I’ve expanded in that and have made
1. Understanding Manga Style I spent the entire week trying to understand and study the manga style. And I’ve noticed some Key Principles / Techniques;
1. Don’t be a Donkey My second comic of the ‘100 Days of Making Comics’ challenge is done and I’ve printed it out. Here’s how
1. ‘One Step’ – a Short Comic I’ve finally completed the first chapter of my ‘In-Spirit’ Comic book. Read the Full Comic here on my
1. How to SUCK at Art? Follow these and you’ll be guaranteed to suck at the craft of drawing (or any art). Start tomorrow. Overthink
1. How to Find Time to Draw? You wake up, you gotta go to work, workout, study, spend time with friends, or family, do some
1. 5 Tips for your First Comic Here are 5 things I wish I knew when I was making my first comic. 1. Start small
1. Comic Making Update (week 1) So, I’ve embarked on a journey to make a Comic book in 100 days. It has 10 chapters (5-15
1. How to Make your First Comic I wrote a guide for myself on ‘How to go about making Comics (or any Project)’ Here it
1. 100 Days of Sketching 2023 This year’s ‘100 Days of Sketching’ is in and here is the Prompt List for the year. Incase you
1. The Master Artist Mindset What separates the really “successful” from the not so “successful” one? (Successful = Personal and commercial satisfaction ) Well, according
1.What do you do when it FAILS? When your project ‘attempt’ fails. Not the end result, just the process. What do you when you loose
1. “Don’t Stop” – a 2D Short Film So I made my second animated short film. But this is my first animation because.. I did
1. The Art of Business of Art It took me a long time to make money with my art. And I would attribute the lack
1. “So you want to be an Artist?” Don’t. Don’t be an artist if you want the fame, the recognition or money. If you want
1. I Tried Learning Blender in 5 Hours I’ve always wanted to learn ‘Blender’ – a Software for creating cool 3D Art and animations. Why?
1. 3 Steps to Draw Everything When I started to learn drawing seriously, I started looking up specific tutorials on how to draw things like
1. The Emoji Expression Project I started a side project last year where I drew emojis as ‘cartoon faces’. It seemed like a fun way
1. Drawing Daily Cartoons Here’s what I’ve been upto – Practicing the act of Cartooning on the daily. But in a slightly better way –
1. How to ACTUALLY learn Art? I have made a video in the past detailing the steps involved in learning ‘Art’. This is good
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