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A Daily Drawing Challenge
to improve your Drawing Skills,
& Form a Drawing Habit in

10 Mins/day

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12 Daily Drawing Challenges
to improve your Drawing Skills,
& Form a Drawing Habit in

10 Mins/day

If you want to live a happy life,
tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”

— Albert Einstein 

1. Create a Foundational Drawing Habit

…that is less than 10 Mins/day & flexible enough for most lifestyles (a hobbyist or a professional)

2. Create a ‘Spiritual Art Practice’

…(A.K.A a practice that nourishes your soul and your creative self) by embarking on a transformational ‘daily drawing’ journey. 

3. Provide 365 Structured,
draw along ‘Drawing practices’

…that are easy to do and gives you a roadmap to practice skills for creating characters, cartoons or animation. 

4. Create a ‘Fun Drawing Practice’

…that sparks ones creativity and maintain a ‘creative habit’ 

5. Cultivate good traits of Courage, Discipline, Consistency and Wisdom

…through our drawing practice. 

DrawDaily365 is a collection of Twelve 30 Day Drawing Challenges to improve your Drawing Skills & Form a Drawing Habit in 10 Mins a day using 365 Daily Drawing Exercises. 

12 Months, 12 Challenges:

• DrawDaily365 consists of a new 30 day challenge each month, for 12 months.

• Each month consists of 30 different drawing exercises that focuses on improving the skill of the month.

365 Drawing exercises:

DrawDaily365 comes with 30 exercises each month totaling 365 Drawing Practices to improve your skills.

The 10Min Drawing habit:

DrawDaily365 is built on the concept of Elastic habits: habits that are flexible on a given day – with the daily minimum being just 10mins with options to do more on any given day. 

Grab your Pencils and Papers &

Give Day 1 a try 👇

12 Challenges

New Challenges delivered to you
every month for 12 months

Month 1 – 30 Days of Character Drawing.
Month 2 – 30 Days of Drawing Basics.
Month 3 – 30 Days of Gesture Drawing.
Month 4 – 30 Days of 3D Drawing.
Month 5 – 30 Days of Head Anatomy.
Month 6 – 30 Days of Expressions.
Month 7 – 30 Days of Dynamic Poses.
Month 8 – 30 Days of Hands.
Month 9 – 30 Days of Anime Heads.
Month 10 – 30 Days of Anatomy. 
Month 11 – 30 Days of Manga Bodies.
Month 1230 Days 30 Characters.

Phase 1

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Phase 2

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Phase 3

Month 9

Month 10

Month 11

Month 12

Comes with Lifetime Access.
Do it at your own pace
and your own time.

* Each challenge gets released every month.
And Each Day gets released as the days go.

Why DrawDaily365 Exists?

The Struggle of Every Artist

• People have an innate WANT to make Art. TO CREATE.

• To bring their stories to life. Through drawings, comics, illustration and animation. 

For that, one needs to learn and practice the FUNDAMENTAL ART FORM: which is Drawing. 

Whether you wanna learn drawing for your own personal satisfaction or you want to create films like Disney and Miyazaki –

To establish a CORE ‘Drawing Practice’ or a ‘Habit’ to learn and continue to improve at drawing will be the ONE THING that will give you majority of the results. 

This goes for both the beginner artist who’s starting out or the professional who’s been drawing for years. Everyone needs to practise (get better by doing reps) and needs a ‘PRACTICE(a Routine and a WAY of getting better)

But this where the problem comes in

You don't know
how to practice.

Your mind is blank everytime you sit in front of a sketchbook.

You don't have
time to draw

because you have other things in life (job, kids, studies, drawing is not your main thing)

You are clueless every time

 you sit in front of your sheet of paper or sketchbook. You don’t know what to draw or how to draw it.

You don’t even sit down to draw because you lack the proper methods and processes to learn drawing, practice art or let alone, have fun with it.

You don’t have a clear structure (that is proven) to learn, get better while having fun.

The resources you do use to learn (books, tutorials and courses) are too complex, take too much time, too much thinking, too advanced or too beginner, too boring and you’d rather spend your time browsing instagram reels. 

And finally, you are only focusing on the ‘technique of art’ and not the ‘Practice’ or the Ritual that helps you express yourself creatively, form a ‘creative habit’ and bring nourishment to your soul.

Aka the feel-good feeling we used to have as kids when we created without pressure, expectations and judgement. 

“Wow, this seems like a lot of problems! How do I solve it?”

What if, there is ONE THING that you could do, such that by doing it, every one of these problems are solved. 

For that,

You need a

‘DrawDaily Practice ’ 

What is a


“A Practice is a regular, daily application
of an intention” – Steven Pressfield

A ‘Practice’ has the following characteristics. 

• A Practice is not pursued for money – nor for ego. It’s done for its own sake.

• A Practice is Spiritual : It’s not mere tricks, tactics and mastery of techniques. It takes our minds to higher levels of thinking and understanding. 

• A Practice is enacted as a Ritual – It has a set of processes done in a way that creates repetition and habit within ourselves, so that our mind is free to be creative.

• A Practice is done Daily – More on some days, less on others. But it’s everyday because it’s who you are. It’s an identity that is reinforced every day. 

• A Practice has a time and place: it does not exist if you don’t know when you are doing it and where. 

A Practice is learned : You don’t need to be “born with talent” to do it. You just need guts to learn it. 

The ‘Practice’ is your ART, and that makes you the ‘Artist’


Who is an “Artist”?

“One who works with his hand is a labourer,

One who works with hand and his head, is a craftsman.

And One who works with his hand, his head and his HEART, is an Artist”

And this is the AIM of Drawdaily365.

To establish your ‘Drawdaily Practice’ – which is

‘The Act of Drawing and creating with Intention’.

My 'Draw Daily' Story

How ‘Drawing Daily’ helped me go from Anxiety & Depression to a Life of Meaning? 

• 10 years ago, I decided that I would Quit Drawing and get a job.

• Because I was demotivated. I didn’t know how to improve. 

• I didn’t know how to reach my dreams of ‘Making Animation and telling stories with my Art’

• And I had bills to pay.

So, I got a job and decided I would quit Art. 


The Day that changed everything:

I did one little thing that changed it all.

I told myself, I’ll just “draw daily in my Sketchbook” for a few minutes here and there.  

So, I started Drawing Daily after deciding to quit art (I knew, in my mind – I was putting art in the back burner)

Days and months went on.

I didn’t care about the kind of drawings I was making.

I wasn’t “burnt out” from Drawing Daily because I had no expectations.

But something happened...

I got better. I enjoyed the practice.

Life felt “whole again” 😌

It wasn’t just “wake up, go to work, come back, repeat”

It had ‘Completion‘. It felt whole.

All because I DIDN’T LET MY ART DIE. ✍️

And now 10 years later...

• Art is my job.

• I make art for a living and work on projects I love

• I teach 1000s to make art. (66k Plus in our school to be exact)

• I built a Business where I could just work on my own personal projects (and reject $50K+ worth of Projects a year)

• I’ve rejected 6 Tedx Talks (I think, this is an accomplishment)

• Worked with Dream Brands (and realised its all meaningless)

• I started making my own animations and comics. (where I found the most meaning)

• I built a fallowing of 700k people who like my work (still blows my mind)

• And finally, I get to tell stories with my art

And all of this happened because I accidentally started a ‘PRACTICE‘.

The Practice of

Draw Daily?

“You are what you repeatedly do, thus
excellence is not an Act, but a Habit” – Aristotle

Drawing Daily is one of the Most effective Ways to improve one’s art and better yourself as an ‘artist’ aka a person (it’s a win win)

Here’s what it does

1. Simple and effective

• It’s the simplest form of ‘art advice’ when done for a long enough period of time, with intention, improves your art in record time. 

• You’ll see realistic progress in days, weeks and months and that builds your motivation to do more.

• A daily drawing practice (big or small) is something that cultivates dicipline (the act of doing things you want even when you don’t feel like doing it) because you’ve given yourself a daily mandate to draw. 

• As a results, you are consistent, thus judging your art daily, taking feedback and improving fast

• You won’t be creating ‘Masterpiece works’ everyday. Thus making you, as an artist, to live with the good drawings and the bad. 

• Thus making you resilient to Imperfections and even being ok with it. This is what cultivates a ‘Healthy Mindset’ of Progress > Perfection.

• Successful artists are prolific artists. They make more work than anybody else. 

• And drawing daily will help you do that. More work in record time.

• To make something new and different is being creative. And when you show up to draw more often, you’ll surprise yourself by the kind of new and different things your brain comes up with.

• Ask any artist who has drawn everyday for more than a 100 days. They will tell you that “Creative Block” is nothing but the unrealistic expectations you have in your head for the kind of work you “should” make. 

• The moment you Eliminate it – you are FREE.

• Drawing, without expectations, is one of the few things that has been shown scientifically to reduce stress. Thus making it a therapeutic activity. 

• And Doing something daily, builds in you, the confidence as an artist based on actual evidence(of getting good)

• Forget all the other benefits. This is the ULTIMATE reason to draw daily.

• To have a Practice that nourishes your spirit and your mind  by doing something for its own sake. With zero expectations. 

• The self Reliance it creates in oneself is beyond any other.

What STOPS people from Drawing Daily?

“If this is so good, what’s stopping everyone from doing it?”

1. Zero plans: Most people who try to draw daily have zero planning or process to their practice such as what they will draw, when and where. Thus making it hard for them to do it daily.

2. Unrealistic Goals & Burnout: People set unrealistic goals when starting to draw daily like – “I have to draw for 3 hours everyday” – That’s a recipe for disaster when you have large goals that don’t fit your lifestyle. It makes one burnout if you don’t ‘flow with your practice’.

3. Unrealistic Expectations : People expect to make super fast progress and create Masterpiece drawings everyday. But it doesn’t work like that in reality. You’ll make both good art and “bad art” in your practice. And when you are not prepared to meet it, you get ‘demotivated’ and stop. 

4. Mindless Drawing: If you want to improve, you will have to be mindful with your practice with structured exercises and play, built into it. Mindless drawing and doodling will only promote more mindless drawing and doodling.

5. Rigid habits : It’s hard to draw daily if your drawing habit is rigid instead of being flexible to the demands of your day and personal wellbeing.

6. All or Nothing Mentality: People who approach drawing daily as an “all or nothing game” where you quit if you “miss a day” will never be able to draw daily. This goes against the mentality of a ‘practice’ that is lifelong. 

7. Not Taking Responsibility: to draw and improve your craft involves taking responsibility for your own skill levels and making deliberate practice as part of your routine. Those who quit often do so because they fail to take responsibility for their own actions and blame the external factors that are outside their control.

How to ACTUALLY DrawDaily?

1. HAVE GOALS: Have a ‘GOAL’ to work towards in Drawing.

Get a Plan: Create a set of actionable practices and plan to achieve those goals. 

3. Allow Imperfections: By allowing yourself to “fail” or make bad art. This will help one Progress, instead of being ruined by perfection.

4. Curb your Expectations: making a personal transformation requires one to put in the work without expecting results. Then, and only then you’ll see the progress you hoped for.

5. Elastic Drawing habits: Creating a Flexible Drawing habit that works with you on demanding days instead of against you. 

6. Changing Mindset: Let go of black and white thinking to adopt a ‘Growth Mindset’.

7. Taking Responsibility: Look at everything that is going wrong – Ask “what’s in my control” – change that.

These are things that will allow one to draw daily. 

To form a ‘Creative practice’ that nourishes their soul.

Tried and tested drawing exercises that improves your skills.

• 12 Different Challenges focusing on different drawing skills.

• Apply your learnings and learn faster than ever in just 10 Mins a day.

*New Challenges and exercises delivered to you every month for 12 months (from Jan 1st 2025 to Dec 31st 2025)

Features of
the Program

365 Drawing Workouts

• Busy? Do it first thing in the morning
as part of our “DD Morning routine”.

• Easy to do.

Show Up > Press Play > Draw Along.

10 mins a Day

Actionable 5-7min feedback sections.

3 Key Takeaways that can be
reviewed in Less than 3 mins.

• Get a mentorship experience
at the cost of pennies.

Built-in feedback

Drawing Camp
vs DrawDaily365

What’s the difference between
Drawing Camp and DD365?

Drawing Camp: a 100 Day program focused on – Learning Drawing Fundamentals, creating characters and Illustrations from imagination with style.

Drawdaily365: a collection of 12 x 30 Day Drawing Challenges to focus on ONE art skill in a month with guided drawing workouts.

How to Use them

Drawing Camp: Use the lessons and workouts whenever and however you want.

Drawdaily365: Use the Challenges to draw and practice ONE Skill in 30 days.

Other Questions  

Does it have new Lessons apart from Drawing Camp?

Yes, all ‘Lessons’ (Guided drawing workouts/daily practices as we call it) are all new and freshly shot with new examples and practices.

Should I get DD365 or Drawing Camp?

• If you are completely new to drawing – pick drawing camp.

• If you have some experience drawing and want to shape up specific skills- pick the DD365 challenges.

• A Holistic Drawing Program/Course
• For serious learners.
• Takes from ZERO to HERO.
20-30 mins per day.
Goes in-depth into essential topics.
• For Learning and doing with guided exercises.

Daily Drawing Challenge
• Mix of different skills.
• For casual learners looking for a Daily Drawing Practice.
• Focus – Habit formation and skill building.
10 Min per day.
• Guided draw along exercises.



We are the first one on the scene with this format.

Now you see a lot copying it. 

Once you do it, its hard to go back.

Each day – you Show up, Press play and Follow along.

What People Say

for 2025

and build the Habit of the Year. 

By end of 1 year, you can be two people.

“I wish I had done that”


”Damn, I drew everyday for
10mins or more this year!!”

Which one do you want to be?

Enrollment closes in…

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00 Sec


A Daily Drawing Challenge
to improve your Drawing Skills,
& Form a Drawing Habit in

10 Mins/day

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“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” 

— Albert Einstein

that is less than 10 Mins/day, which is structured and flexible enough for most lifestyles (a hobbyist or a professional)

(A practice that nourishes your soul and your creative self) for drawing that helps an artist get better at their craft and as an artist by embarking on a transformation ‘daily drawing’ journey.

that are easy to do, flexible for different level artists and gives you a roadmap to practise your skills for creating characters, cartoons or animation. 

that sparks ones creativity and maintain a ‘creative habit’

through our drawing practice. 

DrawDaily365 is a collection of Twelve 30 Day Drawing Challenges
to improve your Drawing Skills & Form a Drawing Habit
in 10 Mins a day using 365 Daily Drawing Exercises. 

Grab your Pencils and Papers
and give Day 1 a try.

a Daily Drawing Program

“what to draw” is the biggest question artists face. To love that, DD365 comes with 365 ‘Draw along’ Drawing practices and exercises that one can do to improve them. 

The program comes with 12 x 30 day Drawing challenges each month that focuses on the different aspects of drawing to help one improve, and form a drawing practice. 

And it’s built on the concept of elastic habits : habits that are flexible on a given day – with the daily minimum being just 10mins with options to do more on any given day. 

This is not a random program. It’s built on basic principles that have been proven to work with our other students put in a structured fashion. Each challenge builds one on top of the other.

The 12 Challenges

New Challenges delivered to you every month for 12 months

Month 1 – 30 Days of Character Drawing.
Month 2 – 30 Days of Drawing Basics.
Month 3 – 30 Days of Gesture Drawing.
Month 4 – 30 Days of 3D Drawing.
Month 5 – 30 Days of Head Anatomy.
Month 6 – 30 Days of Expressions.
Month 7 – 30 Days of Drawing Dynamic Poses.
Month 8 – 30 Days of Hands.
Month 9 – 30 Days of Anime Heads.
Month 10 – 30 Days of Anatomy. 
Month 11 – 30 Days of Manga Bodies.
Month 1230 Days 30 Characters.

Phase 1

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Phase 2

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Phase 3

Month 9

Month 10

Month 11

Month 12

Comes with Lifetime Access.
Do it at your own pace and your own time.

* Each Challenge gets released every month. And
Each Days Exercises gets released as the days go.

Why DrawDaily365 Exists?

The struggle of Every Artist

• People have an innate WANT to make Art. TO CREATE

• To bring their stories to life. Through drawings, comics, illustration and animation. 

• For that, one needs to learn and practice the FUNDAMENTAL ARTFORM: which is Drawing. 

• Whether you wanna learn drawing for your own personal satisfaction or you want to create films like Disney and Miyazaki

• To establish a CORE ‘Drawing Practice’ or a ‘Habit’ to learn and continue to improve at drawing will be the ONE THING that will give you majority of the results.

This goes for both the beginner artist who’s starting out or the professional who’ s been drawing for years. Everyone needs to practise (get better by doing reps) and needs a ‘PRACTICE’ (a Routine and a WAY of getting better)

But this where the problem comes in...

You don't know
how to practice. 

your Mind is blank everytime
you sit in front of a sketchbook.

You don't have
time to draw

because you have other things
in life (job, kids, studies,
drawing is not your main thing)

You are clueless
every time

you sit in front of your sheet
of paper or sketchbook to draw.
You don’t know what to draw
or how to draw it.

• You don’t even sit down to draw because you lack the proper methods and processes to learn drawing, practice art or let alone, have fun with it.

• You don’t have a clear structure(that is proven) to learn, get better while having fun.

• The resources you do use to learn(books, tutorials and courses) are too complex, take too much time, too much thinking, too advanced or too beginner, too boring and you’d rather spend your time browsing instagram reels. 

And finally, you are only focusing on the ‘technique of art’ and not the ‘Practice’ or the Ritual that helps you express yourself creatively, form a ‘creative habit’ and bring nourishment to your soul.

Aka the feel-good feeling we use to have as kids when we created without pressure, expectations and judgement.

“Wow, this seems like a lot of problems! How do I solve it?”

What if, there is ONE THING that you could do, such that by doing it, everyone of these problems is solved. 

For that. You need a ‘DrawDaily Practice’

What is a ‘PRACTICE’?

“A Practice is a regular, daily application of an intention” – Steven Pressfield

A ‘Practice’ has the following characteristics.

• A Practice is not pursued for money – nor for ego. It’s done for its own sake.

• A Practice is Spiritual : It’s not mere tricks, tactics and mastery of techniques. It takes our minds to higher levels of thinking and understanding. 

• A Practice is enacted as a Ritual – It has a set of processes done in a way that creates repetition and habit within ourselves, so that our mind is free to be creative.

• A Practice is done Daily – More on some days, less on others. But it’s everyday because it’s who you are. It’s an identity that is reinforced every day. 

• A Practice has a time and place : it does not exist if you don’t know when you are doing it and where. 

A Practice is learned : You don’t need to be “born with talent” to do it. You just need guts to learn it. 

The ‘Practice’is your ART, and that, makes you the ‘Artist’. 


Who is an "Artist"?

“One who works with his hand is a labourer,

One who works with hand and his head, is a craftsman.

And One who works with his hand, his head and his HEART, is an Artist”

And this is the Aim of Drawdaily365.

To establish your ‘DrawDaily Practice’ – which is

‘The Act of Drawing and creating with Intention’.

Why Draw Daily?

“You are what you repeatedly do, thus excellence is not an Act, but a Habit” – Aristotle 

Drawing Daily is one of the Most effective Ways to improve one’s art and better yourself as an ‘artist’ aka a person (it’s a win win)

Here’s what it does:

• It’s the simplest form of ‘art advice’ when done for a long enough period of time, with intention, improves your art in record time. 

• You’ll see realistic progress in days, weeks and months and that builds your motivation to do more.

• A daily drawing practice (big or small) is something that cultivates dicipline (the act of doing things you want even when you don’t feel like doing it) because you’ve given yourself a daily mandate to draw. 

• As a results, you are consistent, thus judging your art daily, taking feedback and improving fast

• You won’t be creating ‘Masterpiece works’ everyday. Thus making you, as an artist, to live with the good drawings and the bad. 

• Thus making you resilient to Imperfections and even being ok with it. This is what cultivates a ‘Healthy Mindset’ of Progress > Perfection.

• Successful artists are prolific artists. They make more work than anybody else. 

• And drawing daily will help you do that. More work in record time.

• To make something new and different is being creative. And when you show up to draw more often, you’ll surprise yourself by the kind of new and different things your brain comes up with.

• Ask any artist who has drawn everyday for more than a 100 days. They will tell you that “Creative Block” is nothing but the unrealistic expectations you have in your head for the kind of work you “should” make. 

• The moment you Eliminate it – you are FREE.

• Drawing, without expectations, is one of the few things that has been shown scientifically to reduce stress. Thus making it a therapeutic activity. 

• And Doing something daily, builds in you, the confidence as an artist based on actual evidence(of getting good)

• Forget all the other benefits. This is the ULTIMATE reason to draw daily.

• To have a Practice that nourishes your spirit and your mind  by doing something for its own sake. With zero expectations. 

• The self Reliance it creates in oneself is beyond any other.

What stops people
from Drawing Daily?

“If this is so good, what’s stopping everyone from doing it?”

Zero plan:

Most people who try to draw daily have zero planning or process to their practice such as what they will draw, when and where. Thus making it hard for them to do it daily.

Unrealistic Goals & Burnout:

People set unrealistic goals when starting to draw daily like – “I have to draw for 3 hours everyday” – That’s a recipe for disaster when you have large goals that don’t fit your lifestyle. It makes one burnout if you don’t ‘flow with your practice’.

Unrealistic Expectations:

People expect to make super fast progress and create Masterpiece drawings everyday. But it doesn’t work like that in reality. You’ll make both good art and “bad art” in your practice. And when you are not prepared to meet it, you get ‘demotivated’ and stop.

Mindless Drawing:

If you want to improve, you will have to be mindful with your practice with structured exercises and play built into it. Mindless drawing and doodling will only promote more mindless drawing and doodling.

Rigid habits:

It’s hard to draw daily if your drawing habit is rigid instead of being flexible to the demands of your day and personal wellbeing.

All or Nothing Mentality:

People who approach drawing daily as an “all or nothing game” where you will need to quit if you “miss a day” will never be able to draw daily. This goes against the mentality of a ‘practice’ that is lifelong.

Not Taking Responsibility:

to draw and improve your craft involves taking responsibility for your own skill levels and making deliberate practice as part of your routine. Those who quit often do so because they fail to take responsibility for their own actions and blame the external factors that are outside their control.

How to ACTUALLY DrawDaily?

1. HAVE GOALS: Have a ‘GOAL’ to work towards in Drawing.

2. Get a Plan: Create a set of actionable practices and plan to achieve those goals. 

3. Allow Imperfections: By allowing yourself to “fail” or make bad art. This will help one Progress, instead of being ruined by perfection.

4. Curb your Expectations: making a personal transformation requires one to put in the work without expecting results. Then, and only then you’ll see the progress you hoped for.

5. Elastic Drawing habits: Creating a Flexible Drawing habit that works with you on demanding days instead of against you. 

6. Changing Mindset: Let go of black and white thinking to adopt a ‘Growth Mindset’

7. Taking Responsibility: Look at everything that is going wrong – Ask “what’s in my control” – change that.

These are things that will allow one to draw daily. 

To form a ‘Creative practice’ that nourishes their soul.

Features of the Program

365 Exercises and practice

Tried and tested drawing exercises that improves your skills.
• 12 Different Challenges focusing on different drawing skills.
• Apply your learnings and learn faster than ever in just 10 Mins a day.

*New Challenges and exercises delivered to you every month
for 12 months (from Jan 1st 2025 to Dec 31st 2025)

10 Mins a day

• Busy? Do it first thing in the morning as part of our ‘DD Morning Routine’.
Easy to do.
• Show Up > Press Play > Draw Along.

Built in feedback

• Actionable 5-7 Min Feedback sections.
• 3 Key Takeaways that can be reviewed in less than 3 minutes.
• Get a mentorship experience at the cost of pennies.

Drawing Camp vs DrawDaily365

What’s the difference between Drawing Camp and DrawDaily 365?

Drawing Camp: a 100 Day program focused on – Learning Drawing Fundamentals, creating characters and Illustrations from imagination with style.

Drawdaily365: a collection of 12 x 30 Day Drawing Challenges to focus on ONE art skill in a month with guided drawing workouts.

How to Use Them:

Drawing Camp: Use the lessons and workouts whenever and however you want.

Drawdaily365: Use the Challenges to draw and practice ONE Skill in 30 days.

Other Questions:

Does it have new Lessons apart from Drawing Camp?

Yes, all ‘Lessons’ (Guided drawing workouts/daily practices as we call it) are all new and freshly shot with new examples and practices.

Should I get this or drawing camp?

• If you are completely new to drawing – pick drawing camp.
• If you have some experience drawing and want to shape up specific skills- pick the DD365 challenges.


We are the first ones on the scene with this format.
Now you see a lot copying it. 

Once you do it, its hard to go back.

Each day – you show up, press play and follow along

What People Say

for 2025

and build the habit of the year.

By the end of a year, you can be two people.

“I wish I had done that”


”Damn, i drew everyday for 10mins or more this year!!

Which one do you want to be?

Join the Waitlist

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00 Sec



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Lifetime Access

Challenge of the Month (30 Days of Drawing Fundamentals)

30 Days of Daily Drawing Exercises.

Lifetime access to 30 Workouts.

• Guided Draw Along Workouts for 10 Mins/day.

• Drawdaily Club

• The Mastery Workouts





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Lifetime Access

365 Daily Drawing Exercises.

Lifetime access to 365 workouts.

• Daily Guided Draw Along Workouts for 10 Mins/day.

• Access to DrawDaily Club (for 1 year)

• Monthly Mastery workouts.

• Monthly LIVE Q&A Club Calls.


The Drawdaily 365
Calendar & Guidebooks

ALL EXERCISES IN ONE PLACE and can be reviewed in 3mins or less.

*made available at the end for each 30 day challenge and as a Single book after 365 days.

The Drawdaily Club

A community of Drawdaily warriors.
Share your work and find encouragement.
Monthly – Advanced workouts from Kesh
LIVE Q&A Club Calls with Me (1x a month)


I want this to be an investment for you.

And that means you have lifetime access.

You can do this on repeat.

Have more Questions?

This is a program for anyone who wants to form a habit of drawing daily and wants a set of proven drawing exercises that they can do in 10mins/day. The ‘drawing workouts’ are suitable for both beginners and the PROs. 

+ there are Bonus Drawing assignments that are catered for the more skilled artists or simpler ones for those who wants to try harder versions of each drawing workout.


10mins is more that enough to ‘Draw something meaningful’ and when used effectively, will improve your skills.

But you can always do more.

That’s where we give you ‘BONUS ASSIGNMENTS’ and you can use the same Exercises in different manner to get different results, thus drawing for longer duration of time. 

Drawdaily365 is for anyone who want to practice their skills of drawing characters for comics and animation. 

If your goal is such, you’ll need effective practice exercises to improve your skills and DD365 gives you just that. 

The Program only costs $1.5/day if you getting the individual challenge. 

and the cool part, it’s only $1/day if you get the entire ‘365 program”

+ You’ll get access to the DrawDaily Club – which is a private community for the ‘drawdaily warriors’

Lifetime! once bought, you’ll have lifetime access to what you have bought for lifetime.

And if you’ve purchased ‘The 365 Program’ – You’ll get 1 year access to the ‘Drawdaily Club’ and lifetime access to all the 365 exercises. 

No. We do not provide any refunds for this product. We recommend you make an informed decision before enrolling.