Picture of Kesh


An Artist, Illustrator and an Educator sharing his Thoughts and Advice on How people can Learn Art in an Easier Way through his Online Art Programs and YouTube Channels. He is the creator of the Popular Art Challenge '100 Days of Sketching' that is being participated by thousands of people from all around the world every year.

23 Lessons from 2023

1. What I've learned in 2023?

Here are some of the lessons I’ve learned in 2023.

1. Have 3 clear goals that are ambitious and specific for the year. Vague goals = Vague results.

2. 10 Year Rule – Most meaningful things take AT LEAST a decade to come to fruition. Expecting things to workout faster only leads to disappointment.

3. Aim to be the world’s best at Something.

4. Do more of what works. Do less of what doesn’t. It’s simple as that. 

5. Have a clear bedtime and wake up time. This is the NO. 1 keystone habit that dictates everything else. 

6. “All or Something” is better than “All or Nothing”

7. It’s ok to have desires. But if you are desperate about it, you won’t achieve it. 

8. Being OK with failure is a prerequisite for success. 

9. When exercising at the gym, don’t stop when it starts burning. Use that as an opportunity to practice discomfort. 

10. Encouragement is a better leadership tactic than punishment. 

11. Pick a mentor and listen to them fully. Signal out the rest. A student cannot have 2 masters. 

12. Don’t get sad about being sad. Don’t get angry about being angry. Don’t get frustrated at being frustrated. You get the idea. 

13. Repetition is the mother of skill. So remind what you’ve learned until it becomes automatic.

14. You are not your thoughts or your feelings. You can decide what you want to be. And what you identify with (so choose wisely)

15. Follow the 123 Rule – Work on 1 THING, for 2 hrs a day, for 3 months. It’s surprising how much you can get done.

16. Don’t pick 100 Day projects without doing a 2 week experiment. Date before you marry.

17. 1 Thing done well per year is better than 10 things that you “tried” to do.

18. Have a “If shit hits the fan” document – it’s essentially all your worst nightmares written down and the solution you can use to overcome it. Monsters become less scary when you shine some light on them.

19. Want everything, you’ll have No thing. Success comes with sacrifice. 

20. Challenge your beliefs. They are the ‘Code’ that defines your life. 

21. Good friends are hard to come by. Thank them when you can. 

22. When you are feeling overwhelmed – Just take the next step. 

23. It’s all gonna be A-OK. Get out of your head. Live your life and do your thing honestly. Imagined problems kills more dreams than reality ever does.

2. I made another Video

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve made a video on cartooning people’s faces.

Check it out if you are interested in this fun drawing exercise…👇

3. Favourite Quote of the Week

“Don’t be desperate about your desires.
And do your duty without deservingness. 
Everything will be fine”

– Srikant, my auditor during our recent phone conversation.

That’s it for this week folks.
See you in the next one 🙂



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Picture of Kesh


An Artist, Illustrator and an Educator sharing his Thoughts and Advice on How people can Learn Art in an Easier Way through his Online Art Programs and YouTube Channels. He is the creator of the Popular Art Challenge '100 Days of Sketching' that is being participated by thousands of people from all around the world every year.

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How to

Cartoon Faces?

Download a Quick Practical handbook on Cartooning Faces from life or photograph. 

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