1. The Art of Business of Art
It took me a long time to make money with my art. And I would attribute the lack of success for holding certain un-resourceful beliefs.
Here’s a list. None of these turned out to be true.
1. “Making money is ‘bad’ because you are taking money away from someone else” – not true unless you are stealing (or demanding taxes)
2. “I should price cheap so everyone can afford my stuff and use it” – if your goal is to help people, the more people pay, the more they pay attention.
You can’t help people who are not invested – you can only help those who are swimming towards you. If you price cheap, people pay and they don’t use it? Now you are the thief. (Because you willingly deceived someone)
3. “I’m gonna sell my $10 product to a million people and I’ll be a millionaire!” – unless you have massive distribution of interested customers, not possible. Easy to sell an expensive stuff to few people to gain experience.
4. “I want to make a living with my art in a year” – you need skills to make money with art. And skills (that people wanna pay money for) takes years to develop.
5. “He made (this much$) with this product, I’m gonna create the same product, price less and make more” – if you are copying from someone worthwhile, it won’t get you anything other than a face level ripoff. You won’t know the nuances of of what went into the product. And when you face the first problem – your crap is going down.
Those are 5. I’ll send more next week (gotta keep the newsletter short)
2. When in doubt, clean your desk.
This was the biggest lesson I cam ever across last week. The act of Cleaning your desk shows you how to tackle messy stuff.
You do it – by listing it out and sorting it one little place at a time.


3. Favourite Quote of the week
“How do I be more creative?
Well, by Creating more”
– me on threads.
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂