1. The Keys to a Good Life
I’ve always wanted the “answers”. I wanted to have things “Figured out”.
But I couldn’t. 😑
I soon realized that the key to getting good answers are in asking good ‘Questions’!

So, lesson learned –
“Want good answers? Ask good questions” 🧠
Most people start with answers and then ask a question. 😌
Ex – “I want to make more money” (an answer). But why? (A question)
But the smart ones start with a good question. 🤔
Ex – “How much money do I need to be financially free?”
It’s a better question than starting with a random ‘want’.
2. Good Questions
Here’s a list of questions that I have personally used over the years.
1. What’s the ONE THING I need to do such that by doing it, everything becomes easier or unnecessary?
2. What is the PROBLEM we are trying to solve? (As opposed to, what is the goal)
3. What’s the MAIN thing I want to get done tomorrow, if done, I’ll be happy with my day?
4. (When I’m angry) what am I trying to get done and can I do it without turning into the hulk?
5. What are we optimizing for?
6. Will this matter in 100 years?
7. Is this a solvable problem? If so what can I do next?

Thats all I’ve got.
I love collecting good questions. Got any? Mail em to me 🙂
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“A prudent question is one half of wisdom.”
– Francis Bacon.
That’s it for this week folks.
Oh Also!
I need your help with understanding what you like reading on my Weekly newsletters/blogs. So do let me know below by answering just 2 quick questions 🙂
See you in the next one 🙂
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