1. You don’t "NEED" Talent to Draw?
This is a common belief that people hold. (And that I held for many years)
“I need to be BORN with talent to draw”
It’s Not true.
The EVIDENCE says otherwise.

Yet, why do we have this ‘Belief’?
• When People See someone do something impressive (such as draw a cool drawing), that they themselves have tried to do in the past, but has failed and had given up in the initial attempts, They attribute that to something that they can’t define – Such as “TALENT”
• While forgetting literally ALL the other factors that go into getting good, one of which is – JUST SHOW UP, KEEP DOING THE THING, FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME. 🗓️
Challenge the beliefs – it’s the Code that runs our life.
2. How to ACTUALLY Start Drawing?
Here’s how you don’t do it?
Wait for the perfect information, the right tools and the perfect time.
You start by STARTING. 🏃
Pick up a pencil, grab a paper and draw a drawing.
This is not the hard part. The Hard part is drawing something WITHOUT KNOWING how to draw something.
And that is Scary. 😨
“What if my drawing is BAD?“
“ I can’t draw unless I know it will be a GOOD DRAWING”
So what if it’s bad. The fear of our own judgement (along with others) stops us from doing the thing.
Because the truth is – Your drawing won’t be good UNTIL you are OK with making bad art.
Failure is part of the process.
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“You are not an Entrepreneur until you get slapped in the face. All the very successful entrepreneurs that I know have at least gotten slapped in their face once in their lifetime, where they have lost their money, lost their job or about to go bankrupt but then have gotten out of it”
– Leila Hormozi
That’s it for this week folks.
See you in the next one 🙂
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