1. Make Art for Yourself
Make Art for Yourself. Never care about what others might “think” about it.
Don’t listen to the words of others and their approval of what your work “should” and “shouldn’t”. It’s their expectations. It’s not on you.
The more you listen to others, the more you loose yourself.
Be honest, truthful, curious and humble to learn. That’s all you need.
That’s the great ingredient any creator can possess. Courage to do what you like, say what you need to say and make what you want to make .
Have courage 💪

2. How to Draw Everyday?
Here are 5 simple tips to finding the time to draw everyday. 🤔
1. Prioritize it – Meaning, choose to make it one of the Main thing of the day.
2. Do it early in the day, get it out of the way.
3. Show up, just for 6 mins. Do More if you can.
4. Take up a Project as part of your practice.
5. Make a ‘Sacrifice‘
These are the points I elaborated on in this recent video that I put out. 👇
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“The thing that you want to learn, is probably not the thing that you need”
– OctaneNinja, Youtube Commenter.
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