1. My Manga Pages
Here are some completed pages from the short 20pg Manga I’m working on. 👇

Here’s how a page gets made 👇
2. My Manga Page Process
Step 1: Super scribbly rough sketch only I can understand

Step 2: Refine the Rough sketch with proper lines. I also use a lot of reference at this phase (ex : the hand)

Step 3: Clean up the line work with Inks

Step 4: Apply flat colors in its appropriate places.

Step 5: Add shadows.

Step 6: Add final effects (if needed)

And that’s my process! Hope it’s useful.
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“There is a difference between Interest and Commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”
– Kenneth H. Blanchard
That’s it for this week folks.
See you in the next one 🙂
Podcast of the Week:
7 Productivity Hacks that Saved my Life
1. Drawing Camp: My 100 Day Art Program to Learn Drawing and Character Design. Join 5000+ Students Here.
2. The Artist Roadmap Workshop (Free): A Proven Roadmap for folks who are looking to Learn Drawing, The Right Way. Watch and Sign Up to get the Free ‘Artist Roadmap’ Guidebook.
3. Cartooning People from Life: A 14 Day Program to Draw People as Cartoons by Learning the Fundamental Principles of Character Design. Join 1200+ Students Here.
4. 100 Days of Sketching: A 100 Day Challenge to Improve your Art. Join the Challenge here.