1. Perfectionist vs Procrastinator
Most people label themselves as Perfectionists, when in reality, they are just Procrastinators.

The common (Local) definition of a Perfectionist is:
“Someone who doesn’t start things or complete things because they just want it ‘DONE RIGHT'”
This is NOT Perfectionism. It’s Procrastination. (Caused by Fear)
Steve Jobs is a Perfectionist. Thomas Edison is a Perfectionist.
They do and repeat things until they get it right. 🎯
They ground their perfection in reality, doing work, getting feedback and getting better.

A Procrastinator on the other hand is “doing work” inside their head. They are thinking about work rather than doing it.
And label themselves as a Perfectionist to save face.
2. Perfectionism isn't Bad
I’ve changed my mind on this.
Perfectionism isn’t bad.
In fact, it’s the thing that separates the mediocre from the great.
But it’s hard. 🧗

It’s easy to get something to 80% quality.
But to get it 95% quality, is double the work.
its NOT fun.
But the results on the other hand – is not double. It’s exponential. 🚀
3. Favourite Quote of the week
“Perfectionism is procrastination masquerading as quality control”
– Chris Williamson
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂
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