Learn to Draw

in 7 days

Join 40,000+ people to learn the joy of drawing.

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Learn to Draw in 7 Days

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to Enroll into the Course.

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Learn to Draw 
in 7 Days

Join 40,000+ Students to Learn the Joy of Drawing.

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7 Structured


7+ Drawing


✏️ Learn the Fundamentals of Drawing from scratch.

🤯 Start to Learn drawing even if you’ve never picked a pencil before.

🧱 Master your foundations

🎥 Create and learn through High Quality Follow Along videos.

Let’s Get Started!

“I Don’t Know How to Draw”

A lot of people are stuck with taking that first step when it comes to learning how to draw. If you are someone who procrastinates by saying;

😕 I’m not sure Where to start.

😔 I don’t know if I’ll be any good.

😨 I’m scared. What if I’m bad at it.

😒 I can’t draw as good as other artists.

It Doesn’t Have to be Hard!

ANYONE can Draw if only they understand the underlying Foundations behind what makes a Drawing. Such as;

🟥 The Shapes
🧊 The Forms
🌗 The Lighting and Shadows
🌎 Learn How to Find them in the World around you.

So If you are hesitating to make that first move…

Start Now , Take that First Step.
Learn the Fundamentals of Drawing
in 7 Days.

Student Transformations

What will you Learn?

In the next 7 days, you Start from Learning;

🟥 How to Use Shapes to Draw.
✍️ The exercises you need to Master Hand Control.
🏢 Learn to Breakdown ANY Drawing.
🌒 Learn How to see in 3D using Forms.

And Create a ‘Before’ and ‘After’ drawing to see your Improvement in 7 Days.

This course is for anyone who wants to Start Drawing.

And for people who’ve been drawing for a while but have never been introduced to the Fundamentals.

This course is for anyone who wants to Start Drawing.

And for people who’ve been drawing for a while but have never been introduced to the Fundamentals.

How a Day is Structured

The Course mainly covers the Basics of Drawing and Sketching with an emphasis on Lines and Shapes.

The two Most Important and Fundamental aspects of drawing anything. And it does that by keeping it

Short, Precise and Doable.

The Course mainly covers the Basics of Drawing and Sketching with an emphasis on Lines and Shapes.

The two Most Important and Fundamental aspects of drawing anything. And it does that by keeping it

Short, Precise and Doable.

‘Begin Drawing’ is part of

The Ultimate 100 Day Program to Learn Drawing

✏️ Learn to draw the right way by mastering the Fundamentals of drawing

🌎 Learn to draw/design your own characters and worlds 

Learn to draw from your Imagination

‘Begin Drawing’ is part of 

The Ultimate 100 Day Program
to Learn Drawing.

✏️ Learn to draw the right way by
mastering the Fundamentals of drawing

🌎 Learn to draw/design your
own characters and worlds 

Learn to draw from your Imagination

 Enrol Now 
Join 40,000+ people to
learn the joy of drawing.
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✏️ Learn the Fundamentals of Drawing from scratch.

🤯 Start to Learn drawing even if you’ve never picked a pencil before.

🧱 Master your foundations.

🎥 Create and learn through High Quality Follow Along videos.


  • Lifetime Access to All Courses in the Program.

  • Includes 14 Chapters and 1 Bonus Course.

  • *1️⃣ Bonus Course* – Character Design Process Part I.

  • Free Upgrade and 1 Year Access to my next Program (Drawing Camp Foundations)

  • 120 + High Quality Draw Along Video Lessons.

  • Daily Bonus Guided Assignments.

*I’ll also be sending you a Weekly 3 Min email containing Drawing Tips. You can unsubscribe anytime. (Promise, No Spam)

 Meet your Instructor 

Kesh is an Artist, Illustrator and a YouTuber who has been helping people Learn How to Draw through his videos on YouTube and through his flagship Online Art Program ‘Drawing Camp’.

He has taught more than 50,000+ Students  world wide and has been constantly improving his repertoire of skills to share with his audience.

He is the creator of the popular Online Art Challenge ‘100 Days of Sketching’ which has been widely participated by more than 200k+ people around the world.

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How to

Cartoon Faces?

Download a Quick Practical handbook on Cartooning Faces from life or photograph. 

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*I’ll also be sending you a Weekly 3-Min Newsletter containing Drawing Tips.You can unsubscribe anytime. (Promise, No Spam)