1) 10 Lessons and 10 Changes
The year has come to an end, and here are 10 Lessons/Changes I’ve learned/created last year:

1. Drawdaily, and have a consistent art practice or else, you won’t make art.
2. Do Few things and do them well. Or else, you’ll end up with nothing if you try to do everything.
3. Work in 6 Week cycles, not yearly cycles.
4. Daily routine – have one and it keep me flexible, not rigid.
5. 3hr Workdays are awesome – that’s all you need to get meaningful work done.
6. Act Fast – Got an idea? Make a simple version and get it out. It’s better to learn by doing than learn by thinking.
7. Habits cannot be formed if you don’t decide and commit yourself to a new identity. You cannot stay the same and do new things.
8. Mini Habits are the best way to form a new habit.
9. 90mins of Work, on the main thing of the day, First thing in the morning.
10. Before you start and commit to new projects – do a 2 week experiment.
Here’s a podcast I did explaining these in detail (as usual, draw or go for a walk while listening to this)
2) How to Form a Drawing Habit this 2025
• Commit to drawing daily for 6 to 10mins.
• Draw more on days when you feel like it, If not, draw the minimum.
• Show up daily. Pair the routine with a habit you are already doing.
Everything else will take care of itself. Knowing what to draw, how to draw it, what to learn. 😌
All of it starts, when you do.
Here’s a full LIVE workshop I did on this, might help:)
3) Favourite Quote of the Week
“What are the actions you can do today, that will yourself proud Tomorrow?”
– Leila Hormozi
That’s it.
I’ll see you again next week 🙂