1. My Manga/Comic Pages
I’ve been working on my Manga/comic for the past week and here are some pages from it..

I’m putting all my effort into making each page look good on this 21 page Manga and I’m so happy with how it’s turning out.
But as I was drawing this…
I was thinking..
“I’m putting all my time into this,
I’m not gonna make any money from it,
No one is gonna read it..except for a very few…
I could spend my time doing something that makes money….
Yet, why do I do this?”
2. Why Make Comics/Art?
For me,
Making Art and drawing is a spiritual process. It’s the exploration and expansion of my “Self”.
The very act of doing this is a noble cause that enlightens me and I’m a better person in the end of the day for going through this path.
Am I doing it for others? Probably not. 🤔
Do I want to spend my life chasing a piece of paper called money that’s probably not worth much when I look back at it when I’m 80? Nope.
So me being involved in this process of creating makes me a better individual.
Better individual makes better society and better society ultimately makes a better world. So it’s the most selfish unselfish thing I can do.
Also. It’s fun 😉
A question worth asking-
Is my limited time on this planet worth spent making Art? If so why?
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“An important decision I made was to resist playing the Blame Game. The day I realized that I am in charge of how I will approach problems in my life, that things will turn out better or worse because of me and nobody else, that was the day I knew I would be a happier and healthier person. And that was the day I knew I could truly build a life that matters.”
– Steve Goodier
That’s it for this week folks.
See you in the next one 🙂
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