1.What do you do when it FAILS?
When your project ‘attempt’ fails. Not the end result, just the process.
What do you when you loose your project file, the first draft of your comic/novel or your creation in a 🔥 accident?
Here’s what you can do
This applies for:
– When you loose your stuff.
– When you are scared of starting your dream project because you are not ready enough.
2. Art Advice from a 'Real Estate investor'!?
Dave Ramsey, a real estate and financial guru on what he would tell his 40 year old self (He’s 62 now)
“Play incremental long ball, don’t look for the home run.
I kept waiting for somebody to call me and for this to get easy. 1 Phone call and it’s all over.
‘Ohh now I don’t have to think about it anymore, someone else is gonna do it for me. It’s all gonna be automatic’
It’s never gonna be automatic. It’s never gonna be easy.
It’s hustle and grind. You’re gonna make a gazillion mistakes.
Make mistakes that are experiments that you survive. Put out a hypothesis so you survive the experiment to live another day and to have another experiment. Put out another hypothesis, another product that fails, another idea that fails.
Our failures at Ramsey are in number and in money way greater than our successes. The only difference is we survived them.
A. We didn’t have debt, and
B. We never bet the Farm on one Horse.
So we are not looking for the singular home run. We’re looking to survive and fight another day and keep iterating.
The accumulated value of those iterations are what we call the gleaming mountain of success which turns out as a pile of garbage and mistakes that you are standing on rather than laying under it.”
3. Favourite Quote of the week
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂