1. I took my own Advice.
I was finding it hard to find the time/motivation to draw lately.
I was in a bit of funk.
More like paralysis by analysis on “what to draw”

Then I found the magical secret that helped me get out of the funk and draw more!
And it was the Advice I have given others.
“Draw in your sketchbook, for 6 mins a day. If you want to, draw more.
If not, Just 6 mins.
Just Show up”
Taking this medicine allowed me to get out of my own funk and finish half a sketchbook.

2. My Daily Doodles
Here are some sketches from my sketchbook and the 3 Step process I use to draw…

My 3 Step Process:
• Show Up
• Start drawing Something
• Allow yourself to make Bad drawings.
The rest takes care of itself.
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“In a day, when you don’t come across any problems – you can be sure that you are travelling in a wrong path”
– Swami Vivekananda
That’s it for this week folks.
See you in the next one
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