1. How I Organize my Life/Work
Whenever I’m feeling lost or disoriented in life (and I often do) trying to choose which path to take or what projects to pursue,
I come back to my 3-Step System called the D.A.C Method To get me back on track.
(I made this up for myself, so best not to expect any science behind it) 🔬
Here’s how it goes:
D.A.C = Dream. Aim. Create.
🧠 Dream – up a vision for a particular category in your life (like work) and create a rough flexible ‘Direction’.
🎯 Aim – To create ONE Project that takes you closer to that vision in 6 weeks.
✍️ Create – Daily for 15 mins to 2 hours for that project.
Dream – Build a High quality Art Youtube Channel with a library of useful videos on art.
Aim – Create a series of 3 High quality art documentaries in 6 weeks.
Create – Work on this project for 15 mins to 2 hours Daily, making progress.
That’s all. Plus I have a Notion page that helps me keep track of this. 😌

Here’s a video explaining the entire ‘Productivity’ system I use. 🎥
2. No More New Year's Resolutions!
I’ve started using 6 week goals instead.
A New Year’s resolution doesn’t work in most cases because 👇
1. 12 months is too long for one to stay motivated and on-track of their goals.
2. Your ‘wants’ change therefore making the goals less desirable.
3. Life happens and that often delays the goal achievement, often times making the whole journey unpredictable.
So what I do instead is,
🗓️ Set 6 Week Goals (this is 1 Year for me)
☝️ Work on ONE project.
📝 Set what worked and didn’t work after 6 weeks and move on to next goal.
This way I’m motivated, I get to focus on specific project thus allowing me to do them well and balance multiple passions by switching focus every 6 week block.
If you have struggled with new years goals – try ‘6 week blocks’ instead. 👍
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“There are many good reasons for writing that have nothing to do with being published. Writing is a powerful search mechanism, and one of its satisfactions is to come to terms with your life narrative. Another is to work through some of life’s hardest knocks—loss, grief, illness, addiction, disappointment, failure—and to find understanding and solace.”
– William Knowlton Zinsser.
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂
Video of the Week: