1. The Emoji Expression Project
I started a side project last year where I drew emojis as ‘cartoon faces’. It seemed like a fun way to practice drawing Faces, Expressions and Design Principles all in 1 go.

I just got back on it and intend to do all 108 expressions (gonna be tough)
Now, this is a side project I’d like to run and use when I don’t have any ideas to draw. (Got this technique from Jake parker who often recommends having side gigs like this running to refresh your work while working on main projects)

Here are some questions I’m keeping in mind when picking side projects to flirt around with
– Is it fun?
– Is it novel/interesting enough to stick with it?
– Does it make money? Or bring more people to your brand?
– Can this live outside of the social media world and still be legitimate?
– Does it add to your body of work?
– Is this a distraction or a good thing to work on?
2. Miyazaki’s Shauna’s Journey
I recently got this little book by Miyazaki and I absolutely love the loose watercolour art in it.
Here are some cool images

Apparently, Miyazaki made this book as a prototype for his film Nautica, changing the story, plot and loosely tying out the designs before committing to a full feature film.
That sounds like a solid MVP (minimum Viable Product) to me
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“If you assume your time isn’t worth while, what happens is you don’t sit around sort of randomly in a state of responsibility-less bliss. What you do is, you suffer existentially. That seems like a stupid solution.”
– Jordan B Peterson
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one