1. The Master Artist Mindset
What separates the really “successful” from the not so “successful” one?
(Successful = Personal and commercial satisfaction )
Well, according to learning researchers like Carol Dweck, it’s all in having one of the two mindsets.
Fixed Mindset – Believing that one’s skill are innate and fixating your identity on the rewards.
Growth Mindset – Knowing that you can train to be good at almost anything. And fixating your identity on the effort itself.
You win the moment to ACT, not just achieve.
If we apply this to art,
ACTIONABLE ITEM – You focus on the effort you put instead of focusing on how the art/project would turn out.
Effort based reward > Result based reward.
Listen to this podcast by Dr. Andrew Huberman on how to apply this concept to your own life (highly recommended)
2. Leafy Boy and Bluey
This week, I created a new character based on one of my old designs and I really liked how it turned out.
Meet leafy Boy and bluey, two little kids on an adventure to explore the world.

3. Favourite Quote of the week
‘Adversity doesn’t build character; it reveals it.
Related: Money doesn’t change you; it reveals who you are when you no longer have to be nice.’
– Tim Ferriss
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂