1. A Simple Practice for Artists
What can one do when life gets hard?
When things are too overwhelming for you to handle? 😩
Obligations takes aways the energy you have in a day.
How does one make sure to get the IMPORTANT things done?🤔

“Make Before you Manage” ✍️
• Before you get into the troubles of the day,
• Make Art First.
• Then manage the day later.
Getting the proactive act of creation done first is a great way to control or manage chaos. 💪
I got this idea from Tim Ferris and it’s highly useful in times of stress.
2. A Maker's List
What can I make?
Here’s my list of activities to do (under 25mins)
– Sketch in your sketchbook using pens.
– Draw your comic for 25 mins.
– Write a mini article that’s 250 words or less.
– Create a quick illustration on the iPad.
– Draw about what you want to Learn or Teach.
– Write a script for a YouTube video or a short.
That’s my list. Having a go-to list helps. 📝
Plus, in case I’m wondering “what to draw”;
I refer to my 100 day Challenge prompt list 👇

3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“If you stop looking for a shortcut and find your discipline and your will, then you will find your freedom.”
– Jocko Willink
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂

Video of the Week: