What do you do when you are lost in Life?
Or can’t solve a specific problem when you don’t know how to solve it.
1. Ask the Right Question
A good friend/mentor of mine, Calin Yablonski (also a student of Drawing Camp 😉) shared a very important question that he asks when he doesn’t know what to do.
And it’s this

The anatomy of this question is fantastic.
“What do you do” – Aka what exact steps/process will you take on when..
“When you don’t know what to do” – The problem aka “Lost in Life” or lost in a specific problem.
so, what do you do? Can you define the steps?
2. The Answer
Here’s the Answer Calin gave me when I UNO reverse card him the question.

“Creative people are bombarded by ideas. Some are good, most are bad.
So, what do you do about it? How do you filter them.
🧠 First, you need to let creativity flow.
Everyone is different, but you need to engage in activities that let your mind wander. You can try working out, meditating, going for a walk. Whatever it is that inspires you to be creative.
🌎 Next, know that for an idea to be successful, you need to test it. The only way to do that is by putting it out into the world.
You need to publish. I often say, don’t confuse motion for progress. Simply thinking isn’t enough. We can’t strategize ourselves to an outcome.
🐮 But, the tests should be small. Don’t bet the farm on what could be a bad idea.
💬 Share your ideas and collect feedback from the world at large. It makes no sense to horde ideas for fear of them being stolen. We aren’t dragons lording over a treasure trove.
🏃 Once you find something successful, double down on it. Do more of that thing. Run more experiments. Learn more. Come up with new ideas that builds upon your learnings.
The artistic community would benefit from the business philosophy of the ‘minimum viable product’. Perhaps we need to think of our work as Minimum Viable Illustrations, Minimum Viable Paintings, or Minimum Viable Songs. We need to be Minimum Viable Artists.” 🧑🎨

Check out Calin and his written musings here (mrpredictable.com)
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“Have impatience with actions and Supreme patience with results”.
– Gary vee
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂
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