A Challenge to Act on your Dreams.
1. Don't Let your Dreams Die
We all have Dreams that we haven’t acted on.
Dreams of making things,
Dreams of being someone,
Dreams of Doing something.

But as years pass by, so do most of these unlived Dreams.
The scariest thing one can face in life is the regret of an unlived life.
So we promise ourselves to “do the thing we want to do” to avoid that regretful fate but..
We do nothing.
There’s a way to ‘Start living your dreams’
2. Kreate10
A 10 Day Challenge to Act on your Dreams

Also, follow these commandments as you do this Challenge.
01. Pick and work on only ONE project.
02. Divide the Project into 10 Things and Kreate 1 each day.
03. Ship* Something each day of Kreate 10.
04. DO NOT Stop the challenge in the middle.
05. Do Not change projects after starting.
06. Do not focus on Perfection, rather focus on production.
07. Do Not skip/miss a day.
08. Judge your Work, Not yourself.
09. Do what scares you.
10. FINISH. I repeat. FINISH.
*ship means ‘to produce and share’

That’s all folks.
I’m starting this challenge myself on May 20th.
Join me as I ‘Kreate10’
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“The opportunity Cost of an unlived dream is not only that dream, but also the dreams the dream was meant to aspire”.
– Ryan Lilly
That’s it for this week folks.
See you in the next one
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