Here’s a 3 Step Solution to cure ‘creative burnout’
1. Simple Solution for Burnout?
The Solution for burnout is very simple (and most make it complex).
Step 1 – Take a break from your Art (7-21 days)
Step 2 – Come back to your work/art/drawing project. (And if you don’t like coming back to it) 👇
Step 3 – Change work (or project)

The break can be however long or short you want. ⌛
You can change work in many ways – i.e by changing projects, changing location, changing style of work and finally changing the work itself (going from Making Illustrations to Making Comic books)
But, here’s a question we really need to ask 🤔
2. Are you really 'Burnt out'?
Or are you just tired of not seeing results despite the effort you put in?
Most people think they are burnt out, when they are not. 😵
For those folks, they need to simply change paths and push forward.
So, how do you know if you are really burnt out or “burnt out”❓
Are you feeling physical symptoms of sleeplessness, fatigue and drain?
Yup, you need a break. 😴
Are you feeling all these in just your WORK and every other area is fine?
You are not burnt out, you just need a different strategy to approach work. 🧠

For the pseudo – Burnout gang, here’s what you can do 👇
• Take a small break (7-21 Days)
• Look at your practice/work – See what’s working and see what isn’t?
• Ask – why am I doing this and what am I aiming towards?
• Change approach, strategy or process. Discard the old ways.
• Give it another go.
I’m making things extremely simple for myself, so use these strategies if it works for you. But its important to understand the Topic of burnout and its cure needs to be individualised.
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
– Albert Einstein
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂
Video of the Week:
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