What’s a SIMPLE way to Build Confidence? In art and in life?
1. What is Confidence?
I think I’m pretty confident when I sit down to draw.
That’s probably because I’ve done this over a 1000 times. Over many years.
I still feel nervous, still feel scared. But I’m also confident that I can draw well 90% of the time.
How did I get here and how can I apply this to other areas of my life? 🤔

The Word confidence comes the LATIN word ‘Confidere’.
Which basically means – “Have full trust” 💪
So, Confidence means that you “Have full trust” in doing something (or being someone)
• Confidence is contextual. I’m pretty confident in drawing.
But if you’d ask me to sing an Ed Sheeran song in front of a 100 thousand people, I think I’d be crying in the corner.

2. How do you Build it? The SIMPLE WAY.
You build Confidence not in the PRESENT.
You Build it in the PAST.
Through Evidence. By DOING. 🏋️
• Wanna be Confident in Drawing? Draw a 100 Times.
• Wanna be confident in working out? Go to the gym more often.
• Wanna be confident in public? talk to a lot of Strangers (and don’t get kidnapped)

Confidence is built through having past evidence that you can “trust yourself” to do something or be someone.
How can I apply this?
• Ask What AREA do I wanna be confident in?
• Find what you need to do (also reduce your ‘BEING” to ‘DOING’. Ex- Being = Cook, Doing = Cooking)
• Do it as many times as you possibly can. I’d aim for 100 Reps.
• Build evidence and ‘BECOME CONFIDENT’
Ex –
❓ WHAT – I wanna be confident speaking in front of camera
🏃 DO – Speak in front of the Camera through podcasts and YouTube videos.
🎉 EVIDENCE – Do it deliberately a 100 times. Have Evidence – Become Confident.
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“A Smooth Sea never made a skilled sailer”
– Popular Saying
That’s it for this week folks.
See you in the next one 🙂
P.S. Cool stuff I found this week 😂

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