1. Cartooning Expressions
Last week, I drew a lot of Cartoon Expressions.

And these were drawn with a simple method I came up with called the ‘Emoji Expressions Method’. 😲
The Idea is, you can draw complex expressions with a simple emoji.

Here’s an Episode that’s all about it. 👇
2. Principles > Tactics
I’ve always wanted the ability to draw different kinds of art.
Simple Cartoons or complex drawings.

And for me to be able to do this, I had to focus on Principles over Tactics.🧠
‘Principles is defined as – fundamental truth that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour’
I had to ask myself what is core to the things I wanted to draw.
With that I was able to come up with process for drawing everything I wanted.
So the idea is – as the principle question.
When trying to do something through a tactic or technique, ask
“What is the principle behind this tactic or behaviour?” 🤔
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
That’s it for this week folks.
See you in the next one 🙂
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