Sounds Simple. But Its not.
How do you become Consistent with your Art Practice and Improve bit by bit?
1. What is 'Consistency' & Why be consistent?
The Word “Consistent” means
‘To Act or Do something in the same way’
Ok, Why Pursue it? 🤔
Large results are a combination of small, repeated actions.
It’s important for one to be consistent with Drawing (or anything) to see the results of their doing. 👣
Because it takes time for big things to happen, and for that you gotta consistently water your plants (aka draw often).

But the Problem?
It’s hard for one to be consistent most of the time. Why? One lacks the skill/’know how’ on how to be consistent.
So here are 11 Simple ways to be Consistent. 👇
2. 11 Ways to be Consistent
1. Make it easy to be Consistent. If actions need to be repeated over time, it needs to be made simple and easy for it to form a habit.
2. Use 2 Minute behaviors at the Start – When you are new to something, start with actions that takes less than 2 mins. You’ll get the ball rolling and practice the art of showing up.
3. Be Reasonable > Rational – Can you practice Drawing for 2hrs in the morning and 2 hrs in the evening after work or school? Absolutely. Its rational. But is it Reasonable? No. for most, life gets in the way, you wake up late, need to stay back at work, need to take someone to the hospital or your car wipers ain’t working and you need to fix that. So, setting up a reasonable routine of 1hr/day of practice is much better for this lifestyle.
4. Don’t Feel like it? DO IT! – You need discipline to be consistent and discipline is all about doing what you need to do, whether you feel like it or not. Science says that it’s a muscle that can be trained and you only train it when you practice doing things when you don’t feel like doing it.
5. Have some Accountability – Its hard to stay on a diet when you are doing it all by yourself. It’s easy when you have to take pictures of all your meals and send it to your trainer. Get Accountability.
6. Commit – Mentally cut all ties to the alternative of ‘NOT DOING’. Commit to doing and follow through on your commitment. How? Don’t change paths. Stick to the same path or thing.
7. Manage your Energy – Its easy to be Consistent with your drawing practice when you have 3 things to do in a day. It’s hard to be consistent when you have 10 things to do in a day. So, manage your energies and CUT things off from your TO-DO list.
8. Get Motivated – it’s easy to be consistent when you get motivated. And you get motivated when you see results. And you’ll see Results when you put in the effort.
9. Effort = Consistency – The more effort you put into your practice, the bigger the fire of consistency will burn. So, Try putting in some Effort. (And its easy to put effort when you have less things to work on).
10. Ignore Mini Failures – If you miss days, don’t treat it as an all or nothing game. All the previous points you scored still exists. You can still win, as long as you keep playing with effort.
11. 3-3-3 Rule – Focus on being consistent for 3 Days, then 3 Weeks and then 3 Months.
3. Favourite Quote of the Week
“Coax it and the body responds positively. Force it and the body reacts negatively.”
– Scott Abel
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂
Video of the Week:
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