1) The Importance of Drawing Fundamentals
I’ve been drawing for 25 years and last week, I started a 30 Day challenge to practice the Basics of Drawing.
The simple things like;
– Lines
– Shapes and shape breakdowns
– 3D Forms and so on
Here 👇

And here’s what I’m learning from them.
“The difference between an Amateur and the Pro is that the Pro does the basics really well whilst the Amateur thinks they know the basics and seeks out advanced lessons”
So the questions to ask oneself:
1. Am I good at the basics?
2. Am I doing it well?
3. Do I need “advanced art lessons” or do I just need to focus on the fundamentals.
I even made a podcast on this, check it out.
2) Drawings Practices from the Week
Here are some of the daily 10-20 min practice drawings I’ve been doing this past week 👇

3) Favourite Quote of the Week
“If you have an idea that you genuinely think is good, don’t let some idiot talk you out of it.
That doesn’t mean that every wild notion you come up with is gonna be genius. But if there is something that you feel is good, something you want to do, something that means something to you, try to do it.
Because you can only do your best work if you are doing what you want to do and if you are doing it the way you think it should be done. And if you can take pride in it after you have done it. No matter what it is, you can look at it and say “I did that and I think it’s pretty damn good”
and that’s a great feeling”
– Stan Lee
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂