I recently Turned 30. And I wanna share 30 Life Hacks I’ve learned along the way. 👇
1. If you wanna get good at something – Do it 100 Times over 100 days. 💯
2. Buy a 1L Metal Water bottle and drink out of it 3x in a day. Takes care of Hydration.
3. Have 3 Things to do in a Day – 1 Work task, 1 Personal Task and 1 tiny task.
4. When overwhelmed with many options, ask “what’s the ONE thing you could do that makes everything easy or unnecessary?”. Do that. 🤔
5. When struggling with ‘how’ to do something – ask “what am I optimizing for?”
6. Get a Timer and do your most important task for 90 mins – uninterrupted, before lunch. ⏰
7. Finish your workout in the morning – it’s less likely to get done in the evening. 🏋️
8. Don’t take advice from people who has not done the thing you want to do.
9. Keep your Ego in check by talking less and asking more questions.
10. Don’t believe what people say (word), notice what they do (action) – it gives an accurate picture of what they actually believe. 😤
11. The best way to think – Write. ✍️
12. Keep a “Second Brain” Journal where you keep track of your goals, habits and top 3 daily moments.
13. Write your goal in 3 words every morning – helps with distractions. 🧠
14. Disable all Notifications in your phone. 📱
15. Don’t pick the call on first go – if it’s important, they’ll call again.
16. Don’t worry about finding your passion – work on projects you like, the passion will follow. 😌
17. Always do first things first, second things second.
18. Date nights 2x a week – never miss one. ❤️
19. Have a list of 5-6 Habits that has a positive impact in your life – Do them often.
20. Instead of new years resolutions, Set 6 week goals. And work in 6 week cycles. Improve every cycle.
21. If someone does something good, point it out explicitly and appreciate them. It’s an easy way to “make the world a better place”
22. Pet a cat when you see one. Keeps you from turning bitter. 🐈
23. Do ONE thing at a time. Be it habits or projects.
24. Pick your battles – so don’t get angry at the guy who cuts you off (and other useless things)
25. Make your bed every morning. 🛌
26. Track all your expenses in a phone app under 30 secs by placing a widget in your home screen.
27. Save Money often and as much as possible. 💸
28. Want to build a habit? Do a 2 min version of it.
29. Cultivate a GROWTH Mindset. That’s the only “mindset thing”you need.
30. Have a “Lifetime Library” of book that you will read and reread over your life. This forms your life philosophy. 📚
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂
Video of the Week: