1. Learn to Draw Forms
Learn to draw forms well.
They are the building blocks of a character. 🧱

If you Learn how to draw the simple ones.
You can then expand them to draw different characters. 🧠

And that’s an easy way to come up with “New Characters”

You are simply just changing the details on top of it. 😌
2. Tall Buildings have Deep foundations
Here’s an engineering lesson I’ve learned.
The taller the building, deeper the foundations. 🏗️

So there are two ways to build a tall building.
1. Dig deeper.
2. Then go higher.
Unfortunately, I’ve always focused on the second step.
Apparently, if you wanna go tall. You gotta dig deep. ⛏️
And no one’s gonna know you are building a tall building when you are digging the foundations.
But you dig deep to go tall.
3. Favourite Quote of the week
“Money offers security….but little of anything else”
– Calin Yablonski
That’s it for this week folks!
See you in the next one 🙂
Useful Links:
1. Drawing Camp: My 100 Day Art Program to Learn Drawing and Character Design. Join 5000+ Students Here.
2. Cartooning People from Life: A 14 Day Program to Draw People as Cartoons by Learning the Fundamental Principles of Character Design. Join 1200+ Students Here.
3. 100 Days of Sketching: A 100 Day Challenge to Improve your Art. Join the Challenge here.