Here’s my take on How to Start Drawing Everyday and Form a Daily Drawing Habit? ✍️
I define ‘Forming a Drawing Habit’ as drawing daily.
Because it’s one of the best ways to form a drawing habit.
But how does one actually draw daily? And form a habit? 🤔
For that we need to understand…
What stops people
from Drawing Daily?

Zero plan:
Most people who try to draw daily have zero planning or process to their practice such as what they will draw, when and where. Thus making it hard for them to do it daily. 😫
Unrealistic Goals & Burnout:
People set unrealistic goals when starting to draw daily like – “I have to draw for 3 hours everyday” – That’s a recipe for disaster when you have large goals that don’t fit your lifestyle. It makes one burnout if you don’t ‘flow with your practice’. 😌
Unrealistic Expectations:
People expect to make super-fast progress and create Masterpiece drawings everyday. But it doesn’t work like that in reality. You’ll make both good art and “bad art” in your practice. And when you are not prepared to meet it, you get ‘demotivated’ and stop. ❌

Mindless Drawing:
If you want to improve, you will have to be mindful with your practice with structured exercises and play built into it. Mindless drawing and doodling will only promote more mindless drawing and doodling. 🤷
Rigid habits:
It’s hard to draw daily if your drawing habit is rigid instead of being flexible to the demands of your day and personal wellbeing. ☀️
All or Nothing Mentality:
People who approach drawing daily as an “all or nothing game” where you will need to quit if you “miss a day” will never be able to draw daily. This goes against the mentality of a ‘practice’ that is lifelong. 🧠

Not Taking Responsibility:
To draw and improve your craft involves taking responsibility for your own skill levels and making deliberate practice as part of your routine. Those who quit often do so because they fail to take responsibility for their own actions and blame the external factors that are outside their control.
Now that you what stops people from drawing daily,
Let’s see…
How to ACTUALLY DrawDaily?

1. HAVE GOALS: Have a ‘GOAL’ to work towards in Drawing.
2. Get a Plan: Create a set of actionable practices and plan to achieve those goals.
3. Allow Imperfections: By allowing yourself to “fail” or make bad art. This will help one Progress, instead of being ruined by perfection.
4. Curb your Expectations: making a personal transformation requires one to put in the work without expecting results. Then, and only then you’ll see the progress you hoped for.

5. Elastic Drawing habits: Creating a Flexible Drawing habit that works with you on demanding days instead of against you.
6. Changing Mindset: Let go of black and white thinking to adopt a ‘Growth Mindset’
7. Taking Responsibility: Look at everything that is going wrong – Ask “what’s in my control” – change that.
These are things that will allow one to draw daily.
To form a ‘Creative practice’ that nourishes their soul.
So one KEY takeaway from this:
• Create a Elastic Habit and form a Flexible Mindset. 🧠
That’s how you draw daily.

Now, if you want to make it easy on yourselves by taking on a challenge that helps you,
✏️ Draw daily
💪 Improve your Art Skills &
⌛ Create a Drawing Practice for your own self in 10 Mins a day.
Checkout DrawDaily 365 👇
Enrollment Closes on Jan 2nd, 2025