How does one go about learning and practicing Drawing?
Well, here’s what I do that has gotten me and a plenty of others tangible results. 💪


My Method:
1) Establish a Vision and Find the Skills
First, you set a Primary Vision for making art.
My Vision that drives my learning is this:
• To be able to tell stories using my art through the mediums of Comics, illustrations and animation.
Once I establish this primary Vision,
I try to get a list of skills that I need to acquire to achieve this Vision.

Here are the 10 Skills I’ve come up with, that I have tried to learn/master to achieve my primary Vision 👇
1. Lines & Shapes
2. Forms
3. Flow
4. Measuring and Angles.
5. Basic Light & Shadows
6. Character Design Principles
7. Drawing People
8. Colors
9. Imagination & Style
10. Environment & Story
Now, it’s time to learn.
2) Deconstruct the Skills

Once I have my list of skills to practice,
I pick ONE. Just one. ☝️
And deconstruct it into a smaller set of “Mini Skills”.
For example:
• 3D Forms (Main Skill) has the following set of mini skills 👇
– Drawing Simple Planes.
– 1, 2 and 3 Point Perspectives.
– Drawing Boxes.
– Drawing Other Forms from Boxes.
– Drawing forms in angles.
Once I have this list, it’s time to practice 💪
3) Practice 10 Mins/Day
I then take ONE Mini Skill.
Just one,
And practice that daily, anywhere from 2-6 weeks. 🗓️

I mostly aim for a Repetition Number.
Like 25,50 or 100 Reps. 🏋️
Ex – 100 Boxes, 25 pages of Shapes in Perspective and so on.
And I do it for 10-20mins a day (I don’t think I need more, if I’m really deliberate with my learning)
Here’s the key to learning:
• Ask “how can I do better or make less mistakes each repetition”
Self-feedback is the key to learning, not mindless drawing.

And I do this PROCESS for each “mini skill” and move on to the next “Main Skill” ✍️

and that’s how I learn and practice drawing.
Vision > Deconstruct > Practice 🔁
and the results have been stellar ⭐

Give this a shot and you’ll know 😌
If you want an already Structured, Daily 10-min Draw-Along practice session where you Show up, Press play and draw?
Try Drawdaily365 🚀 (closes in 5 Days)