If there’s one major benefit of drawing, it’s this.
It Reduces Stress. 🧠

And it also:
• Boosts Creativity
• Increases your problem solving skills.
Ok, that’s three, but it’s true.
Drawing has been shown to do that, according to science.
I’ve been drawing for over 25 years and here’s why I think it does that (and the 3 steps you can take to gain these benefits)
Benefits of Drawing:
1. Stress Reduction 😌
Drawing is challenging. And doing something tough helps you build resilience.
And that’s how drawing primarily reduces stress.
By making you STRONGER. 💪
As you put yourself slightly out of comfort zone and do something that is seemingly easy but creatively fulfilling, your brain recognises that act of triumph and makes you more resilient.
It goes “wait, I thought I couldn’t do this. I guess I can! Guess I’m stronger that I thought” 🧠

The other way it does that is by bringing you to the present moment.
Getting you and your jumbled thoughts out of your head and putting it on paper, with the physical tools pencils and paper.
It makes you present and mindful, thus in a way making you realize that the problems you thought you were facing are not as big as it seems. 🧘
Plus, making something with pen and paper feels damn good.
2. Creativity Boost 🧠
• The very definition of creativity is ‘creating something new that is radically different from the usual options’.
If you learn to create your own original drawings and learn the techniques behind it, it teaches you what it means to be truly creative.

And once you see it, you will start applying those lessons to every other area of your life. 😮
• You will start to become creative at work, your relationships, your hobbies and the way you approach life itself.
But to do that you need a vehicle to practice that creative act in a contained manner. And that vehicle is Drawing. ✍️
3. Problem-Solving Skills 🔧
As you start to learn drawing, you will encounter many problems in the way that you would need to solve in order to become a better artist.
These are not ‘unsolvable problems’ but rather problems that have been solved before, and it needs to be solved by you now. 🤓

And your pursuit of defining these problems, finding solution to it, testing your ideas and then coming up with a final working solution which solves your problem will make you understand and practice the very skill of problem solving.
Which you will start applying in other areas of your life. 💪

Take me for an example:
I learned to run a business, manage a team, build a youtube channel to 600k+ subscribers, maintain a loving relationship, all with the skills I have learnt, for the first time from drawing.
It has made me a jack of all trades by teaching me to start with mastering ONE.
Ok, now you might think. 💬
“This sounds cool kesh, Where do I start?
How do I Start Drawing? I don’t know what to draw or how to draw it? What should I do?”

Well, here’s a very simple 3 STEP, No-Cost solution:
Step 1: Don’t be afraid to create bad art.
Step 2: Start drawing for 10 mins a day for 30 Days.
Step 3: Start drawing by copying existing stuff BADLY.
You will start to experience all these benefits.
If you are looking to make this easy for yourself and want a step-by-step guided approach that is fun a less time-consuming each day,
Start with ‘Drawing Camp’ ✏️
It’s a Simple Daily Drawing Program that is designed for busy people with busy lives to start and practice drawing in 20 mins a day.⌛
You don’t need to worry about what to draw or how to draw — just follow along with the videos.
‘Drawing Camp’ gives you Step-by-Step 20 Minute Daily Drawing Lessons, where you will learn something new and create something in the same time 🧠
Plus it is designed with the concept of sustainability in mind.
All you need to do is Show up, Press Play and Follow Along with your instructor (a.k.a yours truly) and the job is done. 💪
Here’s Kevin, a student of drawing camp on how he has leveraged the drawing skills he has learned from Drawing Camp to get a high paying job in an Art based software engineering position. 👇
Kevin liked to Draw and work on software (you don’t need to necessarily get a job in software. I’m just trying to illustrate the point).
You can also become an Artist, Freelance Illustrator and start making Comics and share your work on Instagram like our students Sparsh, Ansh and many others of ‘Drawing Camp’.

Drawing can make you a very powerful individual and a better human being who’s power is rooted in their own ability.
And If you want the best solution to start that, I would suggest you to start with ‘Drawing Camp’.
Well, Ready to start your journey? 👇