Cartooning People from Life Refund Policy for Enrolled Students / Customers:


Eligibility Period:

a) Refund requests for enrolled students/customers are only considered if submitted within 21 days from the date and time of purchase. Meeting this timeframe is essential for refund consideration.

Completion Criteria:

a) students/customers are required to watch/complete at least 95% of all video lessons within the program.

b) Physical proof of completion is mandatory, demonstrated through drawings created during daily lessons.

c) Drawings must be organized and submitted in a Google Drive folder, accompanying the refund request.

Demonstration of Effort:

a) students/customer’s drawings should exhibit an “honest effort” to improve and align with the program’s predefined goals.

Foulplay and Refund Denial:

a) Any suspected foul play, including marking lessons as ‘complete’ without engagement, or a casual approach to drawing exercises without genuine effort to enhance skills, will result in a strict denial of a refund.

Definition of Honest Effort:

a) In this context, “honest effort” is defined as a truthful and willful intent to improve one’s art skills, demonstrated through proactive engagement with the program.

b) Drawings submitted must reflect a genuine effort to closely align with the instructor’s drawings as presented in the video lessons.

If the above criteria are met, you can send us an email at about your request.

How to

Cartoon Faces?

Download a Quick Practical handbook on Cartooning Faces from life or photograph. 

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*I’ll also be sending you a Weekly 3-Min Newsletter containing Drawing Tips.You can unsubscribe anytime. (Promise, No Spam)