How to Find Time to Draw?

1. How to Find Time to Draw? You wake up, you gotta go to work, workout, study, spend time with friends, or family, do some chores, deal with random fires life throws at you, you come home, eat dinner and go to bed.  Among all these seemingly important “life” things, How do you find the […]

2 Simple Ways I Stay a ‘Productive’ Artist

1. The 2 Simple Productivity “Hacks” If I had to pick the 2 Most “bang for buck” hacks to stay a ‘Productive Artist’ (aka getting a lot of $#!t done) Its these… 1. Do the most important thing first thing in the morning • Write it down the night before.• Get it done within the […]

How to Cure ‘Creative BURNOUT’?

Here’s a 3 Step Solution to cure ‘creative burnout’ 1. Simple Solution for Burnout? The Solution for burnout is very simple (and most make it complex). Step 1 – Take a break from your Art (7-21 days) Step 2 – Come back to your work/art/drawing project. (And if you don’t like coming back to it) […]

The Ultimate Productivity Routine for Creatives

That Changes Lives. 1. The Ultimate Productivity Routine for Artists What would it look like if you want to get quality art projects done? 🤔 (I’m working on an in-depth video on this, so this letter would be a 2 min version) Here’s what mine looks like now. 👇 1. Scratch Yearly Goals – Start with […]

11 SIMPLE Ways to be Consistent?

Sounds Simple. But Its not. How do you become Consistent with your Art Practice and Improve bit by bit? 1. What is ‘Consistency’ & Why be consistent? The Word “Consistent” means ‘To Act or Do something in the same way’ Ok, Why Pursue it? 🤔 Large results are a combination of small, repeated actions. It’s […]

30 Life Hacks

I wish I knew when I was 20. 1. 30 Life Hacks I came across this post a while ago which I found to be very interesting.  Here’s “30 Life Hacks I wish I knew at 20” by – Ben Meer. 2. Draw Slowly If you want a simple trick to instantly improve your drawings, […]

90 Day Goals for Artists

A Better System of Goal Setting? 1. 90 Day Goals for Art We all start the Year with big dreams and goals. But 6 months in – You are not even close to what you aimed at or have abandoned your pursuit completely. So the Problem of “Effective Goal Setting?” Still exists. 😔 What’s a […]

The Power of Basics

Success lies in doing the little things well. 1. “Basics” are not Basic The more I learn, the more I realize there’s an inherent power in Doing the Basic Things Well.  Fun Story – There was a time when Newborn babies dying right after birth was really high.  Doctors wondered what caused this problem. 🤔 […]

1000 Nights of Art?

1. Do This for 1000 Nights Here’s a little piece of advice on Writing from Ray Bradbury on getting better at your craft (which can apply to any art) 👇 “Write a short story every week. It’s not possible to write 52 bad short stories in a row….before you go to bed every night, read […]

10 Days to change your Life

Here’s how 👇 1. You Need 10 Days I used to think I need a lot of time to change things.  But apparently, 10 Days is all you need to make something substantial.  I recently finished my ‘Kreate10’ challenge.. Where I made 10 illustrations in 10 days…🤯 I was mind blown with what can be […]

Kreate10 Challenge

A Challenge to Act on your Dreams. 1. Don’t Let your Dreams Die We all have Dreams that we haven’t acted on. Dreams of making things,Dreams of being someone,Dreams of Doing something.  But as years pass by, so do most of these unlived Dreams.😔 The scariest thing one can face in life is the regret […]

How to

Cartoon Faces?

Download a Quick Practical handbook on Cartooning Faces from life or photograph. 

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